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- From: billp@io.com (Bill Peterson)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,sci.physics
- Subject: Re: Dr. Paul Hill's repulsive force field
- Date: 20 Jun 1996 15:45:14 -0500
- Organization: Illuminati Online
- Lines: 154
- Message-ID: <4qcd8q$u4p@shangri-la.io.com>
- References: <31B24188.2488@students.wisc.edu> <4q3rqb$kq8@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <4q403a$b31@xanadu.io.com> <4qbejk$oeu@macondo.dmu.ac.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: shangri-la.io.com
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88661 alt.paranet.ufo:53952 sci.skeptic:73009 sci.physics:79090
- In article <4qbejk$oeu@macondo.dmu.ac.uk>,
- Mark O'Leary <moleary@dmu.ac.uk> wrote:
- >In article <4q403a$b31@xanadu.io.com>, Bill Peterson <billp@io.com> wrote:
- >
- >[snip]
- >
- >>>Leaving aside the content, if any of the debate, I'd just like to focus on
- >>>what seems to be the way its being conducted:
- >>>
- >>>The question is "Is this relevant to "falling leaf" maneuvers?", and your
- >>>answer was to talk about "bank to turn" maneuvers!
- >>>
- >>
- >>Banking to turn and "falling leaf" are both maneuvers descibed by
- >>Hill as effects of the drive mechanism. I chose the shorter
- >>cases to type in, pure laziness. Both maneuvers are caused
- >>by aiming the propulsion beam, according to Hill. I think they
- >>are the same thing.
- >
- >Oh come one!
- >
- >You were trying to disprove the suggestion that "falling leaf" style UFO
- >maneuvers could simply be misidentification of falling 'flat' rubbish such as
- >cardboard. The discussion was *not* about the drive mechanism at that point.
- >No-one is suggesting that other clasees of sighting, eg the 1800mph flight,
- >bank to turn, or ground trace etc are *all* explained by cardboard.
- >
- >Since you continually try to change subject away from the obvious
- >correspondance in flight dynamics between falling flat objects such as the
- >fast-becominng-legendary cardboard and Hills purported drive mechanism, are
- >we to assume that you acknowledge the point and having no comment to make
- >against it?
- As I understand it, you are saying that cardboard *could* be
- mis-interpreted to be a "falling leaf" UFO. Correct? I agree,
- that is possible and has probably happened. Now. Are you also
- saying that ALL "falling leaf" reports are cardboard? If so,
- please indicate which sightings show this.
- >
- >>>And this was in response to your mapping 1800mph, radar trace sightings onto
- >>>the suggested 'cardboard' explanation for 'falling leaf' sightings!
- >>
- >>My main complaint was against the wording of the original post.
- >>If you still have it, it goes something like this:
- >>"According to SaucerZealot logic, the "cardboard effect" doesn't
- >>exist, therefore it must be an ET UFO."
- >
- >Possibly a result of frustration from the refusal to address the point at
- >all? I don't know. I agree that both sides (with exceptions) have
- >deteriorated into reflex name-calling in parallel with the points they make.
- >
- I agree that cardbaord would superficially resemble those motions.
- >>>It's falling into a pattern of non-sequitur after non-sequitur.
- >>>
- >>>I seem to recall that when you first joined this debate, BP, you were a
- >>>little more honest in your tactics.
- >>>
- >>
- >>In my opinion, any post that uses the term SaucerZealot is not
- >>worthy of any answer at all. This claim, if taken literally, says
- >>that since SZ's are so lame, they see everything as ET UFO's,
- >>even cardboard. I just wanted to set the record straight that there
- >>are plenty of sightings that cannot be explained by cardboard.
- >
- >Zealots are people that strongly beleive something - the term has no
- >connotation as to whether the beleif is well founded or not. You may choose
- >to interpret 'SZ' as an insult (I'm not denying that the one who types it
- >means it as such either), but the words themselves arent perjorative. The
- >insults are going both ways now between those that stoop to that activity.
- >The choice is simple - respond to the insults, raising the amount of noise
- >in the discussion but acheiving little else, or addressing the content of
- >the posts that lurks between the insults - make the insulter look stupid by
- >disproving their logic rather than chanting schoolboy taunts...
- >
- >i.e. if you think 'SZ' posts arent worth replying to, *don't reply*...
- >
- Very tempting.
- >>>If you want to blow the 'falling cardboard' idea out of the water, cite a
- >>>sighting where the "falling leaf" behaviour was followed or preceeded by
- >>>high-speed, high-g maneuvers by the same object, or heavy mass ground traces
- >>>or the like. The more you avoid the points being made, the more it looks
- >>>like you've conceded the point and are trying to disguise the fact by
- >>>changing the ground of debate.
- >>>
- >>
- >>I will be glad to conduct a real inquiry or debate, but not with
- >>someone who makes the claim as shown above. That was total bullshit
- >>and I have no qualms about giving it back.
- >
- >OK, then.
- >If you won't answer him, answer me. I don't recall ever using the 'SZ' term,
- >and I do try and be polite most of the time. My snetiments more or less
- >match his concerning the match between 'saucer landing' maneuvers and
- >falling cardboard. What makes a misidentification of litter *less* likely
- >than ET visitors in an anti-grav ship? [the case I asked for above that
- >would 'blow the explanantion out of the water' would work admirably in
- >answer to this question, if such a case exists]...
- >
- Are you proposing cardboard as the answer, and now expect us to "blow it
- out of the water"? I would say that in order to get attention to the
- proposition, show us a sighting that can be attributed to cardboard.
- I will not take the burden of proving that all sightings are not cardboard.
- I admit that the mistake could be made, but I'd like to see a case of
- it.
- >>>Transparent tactics.
- >>
- >>There is nothing to win with an opponent that insults you, therefore
- >>it was not tactics at all. I'm not in that "debate".
- >
- >WHy did you keep answering the factual content of his posts with
- >(inappropriate, nonsequitur) facts of your own, then? If you werent in the
- >debate, why did you *post*?
- >
- >I personally find insulting opponents much easier to 'win' against.
- >Answering an insult with a polite and logical explanation makes ones case a
- >lot stronger to other readers, I find.
- >
- >>If you want to
- >>make the claim that cardboard has been responsible for a sighting,
- >>go ahead. Please indicate which sighting(s), and I'll take the
- >>time to research it.
- >
- >Ahhh... It's not a question of individual sightings. It's merely the fact
- >that the many sightings that Hill and supporters of his advance, where a
- >'falling leaf' movement is observed by the UFO, could be explained
- >(possibly) by a mundane light, flat object (such as newspaper or cardboard)
- >falling to the ground. The 'glow' of these UFOs could be explained by
- >reflected light from ground sources, reflection of sunset due to being at
- >higher altitude for twilight sightings (this would agree with the
- >observation of 'reddish' "ionisation glow" for low speed maneuvers, such as
- >'falling leaf' landings), or to the cardboard itself glowing due to inks, or
- >even burning.
- >
- >All you need is a falling leaf movement that corresponds with a strong radar
- >or ground trace, and this hypothesis has been shown unlikely in at least one
- >case.
- >
- So the burden is on us, the SZ's? In other words, the default assumption
- is that it is cardboard. I don't agree with that assumption. Please show
- any sightings that you think can be attributed to cardbaord. I will attempt
- to dig up something to refute this, but personally I think it's silly.
- BP
- --
- Disclaimer: I only speak for myself, and sometimes I wish I hadn't!